We pray because we believe that it is a great privilege to pray and to bring before God, who deeply loves us, our and other’s cares, needs and requests. When we pray personally, privately or as part of the HeavenBound community we believe that God hears us. As we pray we are advancing God’s purposes into our lives and even at times of desperate situations, we seek for God’s Will to be done.  We welcome your requests and invite you to pray with us, both together and individually. 

Prayer ministry is the lifeline of the church. HBCC currently has a team of volunteer leaders who run this ministry with the help of the Lead Pastor. The ministry consists of:

  • Monthly prayer meetings
  • Bi-annual 24-hour prayer events 
  • Quarterly all-night prayer events
  • Crisis prayers
  • Sunday pre-service prayers
  • All Pastoral and ministerial group leaders would also dedicate a day that emphasizes prayer for their respected ministries at least once a monthAs we pray we are advancing God’s purposes into our lives and even at times of desperate situations, we seek for God’s will to be done.

Frequently Asked Questions

Prayer is an encounter with God that is initiated by God in which we humbly communicate and worship the Lord, confess our sins and transgressions, and ask him to fulfill.


When we look to the Bible, we find that God’s people engage in a variety of positions when they pray. There is no Biblical required position for prayer. However, praying on knees with eyes closed is the best posture, since it helps us to express reverence and humility when we encounter God.


Yes, the Bible commands that we pray.

(1 Samuel 12:23; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Luke 18:1)


In petition, we make requests to God on our own behalf for his provision and protection.

(1 Samuel 1; 2 Kings 20:1–7; Psalm 86; John 17:1–5; 2 Corinthians 12:1–10; Philippians 4:6–7)


In confession, we acknowledge our sins in repentance before God and receive his forgiveness.

(Nehemiah 1:4–11; Psalm 51; Jeremiah 36:1–3; Luke 23:39–43; Acts 2:14–41; 2 Corinthians 7:2–12; 1 John 1:9)


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300 Steels Ave East, Thornhill, Ontario - L3T 1A7

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We Will Gladly Pray For You