Johnson & Josephine Prathipati

Lead Pastors

By the Grace and Calling of the Triune God, Pastor Johnson & Josephine Prathipati are the humble founding servants  and planters of HeavenBound Community Church. Hailing from South India, Pastor Johnson is a Credentialed Pastor with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC). 

Johnson is a Visionary, an Apologist and a Gifted Missional Pastor, who has a great burden and heart to reach the people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He served as a Pastor and a Missionary for many years in the GTA. 

Over a period of time, Johnson & Josephine had a strong desire to reach the unreached Indo-Canadian Community in the Greater Toronto Area. After several months of seeking God’s will, through fasting and praying, they had received a clear confirmation of their hearts’ desire to plant a church through dreams, visions and scriptures. With utmost trust in God, and in the middle of the world pandemic, they took a big step of faith by starting the first Bi-lingual (English/Telugu) church service on May 10, 2020 through Zoom.

Johnson has an M.Div Degree from Tyndale Seminary and University, Toronto and Josephine has a Masters Degree in Microbiology and is a teacher at a private school. They are blessed with 3 wonderful children – Candilina, Nathan and Justin.  


Garland Chang


Syam Vennam


Naveen Kondapalli


YAYA Co-Ordinator:

Peter Madasi